The screen-space coordinate of the bottom guard band clipping region. 底部保护带剪辑区域的屏幕空间坐标。
Timing Synchronization Scheme Using Superimposed Perfect Training in Guard Band 保护带叠加最佳训练序列时间同步方法
Therefore, second order sampling at above the theoretical minimum rate is presented in this paper, and guard band will be included between positions of shifted spectrum components. 本文以大于理论上的最小采样频率进行二阶采样,使信号频谱的迁移项间有一定的保护带,并且得到了一种简化的二阶采样重建公式。
The ancient Chinese philosophy has exerted important influence on the research of traditional Chinese medicine by establishing the hardcore of the research of traditional Chinese medicine and providing growing point for the formation and development of the "guard band" of traditional Chinese medicine. 中国古代哲学对中医学研究纲领的形成和发展产生了重要影响:一方面直接构建了中医学研究纲领的硬核,另一方面又为其保护带的形成和发展提供了生长点。
The main features of the system are: to transfer high-speed data using PCI bus as interface, to detect point targets in infrared image, to restrain background and noise using Robinson spatial filter with guard band, and to enhance SNR. 采用带禁带的Robinson空间滤波器,完成在低信噪比条件下红外点目标的检测及其背景的抑制;
New structure is rather flexible if the minimal guard band and maximal bandwidth of the subband signals are given beforehand. 当事先给定子带信号间的最小保护间隔和最大的子带信号带宽时,其实现结构具有较强的灵活性。